If you run into difficulties on the website, you are advised to use Google Chrome.
You have 20 minutes left to finalize your transaction, beyond this time your session will expire: your cart will be cancelled and seats chosen will be again available for selling.
How to pick up tickets:
If you choose « Retrial at venue » option, you will pick your tickets up at the ticket office of the event’s place.
If you choose « E-Tickets » option, you will need to print tickets at home (1 ticket/page is preferable). You will receive an email with the attached PDF file including tickets to print and present at the access control. It’s also possible to show your E-ticket (PDF file) directly on your smartphone at the access control.
Careful, there’s no eventuality that paper tickets are sent to home. It’s important to make sure to print the E-ticket with a bar code and not the reservation’s confirmation.
If you don’t receive tickets, duplicates can be sent, please send an email to
If you run into issues with the credit card payment, please contact: before trying again the operation.